Sunday, 2 February 2014

Effects Debate

The effects debate is about what effect a media text will have on its audience, be it a positive or a negative effect. People who argue over these effects are usually concerned with the violence in modern media and it's influence on people.

There is regulation within media to 'protect' those who might be effected. These are usually children and teenagers. There are three categories for this debate.

  • Those who have researched and collected evidence on the effects.
  • Those who voice their opinion without evidence
  • Those who are subject to the debate(teens and children).
This debate is why there are age ratings on films and other restrictions to protect those subject to the debate.

Many would suggest that a lot of violent crime is a result of violent video games. Although video games may have some effect violence has been around far before violent games so people would suggest video games are used as a scapegoat to hide the underlying issue.

M.I.A, Born Free

This video is about collecting all gingers and executing them. If as an audience we are passive and see this as okay to do then we would all be killing gingers which clearly doesn't happen. This would suggest we are not passive and watch videos with common sense. Obviously genocide is not okay. This video is clearly for entertainment purposes.

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