Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model is used for the reception theory. It is based on the relationship between the audience and the text. The audience may interpret something from the text when the creator meant sonmething completely different.
Encoding - media creates messages
Decoding - audience decodes the message
3 types of decoding:
Dominated - Audience reads and accepts message the way the creator intended.
Negotiated - Audience will except, reject or adapt message in accordance with previous held views.
They me neither agree or disagree with the text or not care.
Oppositional - Audience rejects message for cultural reasons and actively opposes text.
Other theories would suggest we are a passive audience however this one contrasts with those views. This theory focuses on the relationship between the text and the audience. How we view or respond to a text will not only be based on the text itself but our culture and background of previous experiences. These experiences will dictate if we respond negatively positively or neither.
The Oasis song Cigarettes and Alcohol depending on your experiences may leave you wanting to smoke or drink to seem 'cool.' On the other hand our previous experiences may have taught us smoking is bad and we shouldn't do it and that we shouldn't drink too much either. The lyrics talk about cocaine. The audience may see this as a sign to use cocaine as their favourite musicians do or previous experience and education of drugs may tell them not to.
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